Mom and I haven't been to The Grove for awhile, so off we went in the Bogie-Beetle.
Alas - the bane of my existence - the batteries in the camera died quickly after we'd sat down at Johnny Rocket's for some evil vegetarian grilled cheese sandwich (really, how can she eat that stuff?) so there aren't nearly as many fun photos as I'd hoped for.
But it was fun - and tiring - it's pretty warm outside again today. And because it's the weekend it seemed like every person on the west side of LA was at The Grove today. A lot of them were at the movie theatre, but even more were walking around the outdoor mall, getting in my way. More dogs being carried than walking on leashes, which is so weird to me (I'd love to test out having mom carry me around sometime).
I just tucked into a can of my yummy Solid Gold Green Tripe so now I'm ready to sleep. In bed next to mom. Because SOMEBODY has to keep her warm and safe while dad is in Austria!!!
Just doin' my job dad, mom promises there will be no Bogie-dirt in the bed when you get back...
PS - Sending out lots of Bogie-love and Aire-Zen for my dad's brother Dieter who had a bad accident... I hope you're ok!!!!
We love doing all sorts of special stuff with mom while dad is away too!
Sending Aire-zen for your Uncle Dieter! Hope he's okay!
Love ya lots,
sounds like you had a ton of fun , i have to be here sleeping all day "recovering" .
Hi, Bogart. Glad you had a great day with your mom!
I hope your uncle Dieter is ok!
Have a nice day
Wow! You went to the Grove?! I would figure that it would be jam packed with people out there!
Grilled cheese sounds pretty yummy though!
Hope your dad's brother is ok! My dad just went through that recently. We're sending LOTS of AireZen to you and your family!
AireZEN & ZEN!
Sounds like your mom is coming along with her training. Glad to see she is so obedient.
Keep us posted on your uncle! All my AireZen is going your way and you can skim some off the top (since you're missing your dad), and send the rest on over to Austria.
Love you buddy,
Hi Bogie
hope your unkle Dieter is OK, you Daddy must be worried..my MOmmy has been to Johnnie Rockets in West LA(she used to live there), but she had burgers,,yum...it sounds like a great day you had..I'd love to see you carried like one of those little purse doggies hehehehehwhat a sight!
love and smoochie kisses
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