I have the bite-the-inner-thigh thing down (for when I want to go outside), and I am pretty expert at the tilt-the-head-to-the-side thing (for when I want to go outside). I’ve even perfected the body-slam-into-the-front-door thing (for when I want to go outside). But with dad gone, I feel like I have to do more…
I must be firm. I must not let her think that she can slack off in dad’s absence. What does it matter that she works two jobs, her priorities must be firmly in place, and we must go outside… often.
The day started out well - a nice morning walkie in the park. For those following my poop news, today I was an absolute machine with 5 poops, all looking sausage-like. No gravy, not too soft-serve. Kinda creamy.
Then for my mid-day walk mom thought we’d try to see if we could get into Griffith Park. This is the park we used to walk and hike in all the time until the gigantic fire they had not long ago.
Apparently they don’t trust us because we weren’t allowed anywhere near our old parking or hiking area. So mom had to think fast…
We decided to walk along the road from the LA Zoo back through the park. Fantastic! All new terrain to sniff and leave pee-mail for other doggies. Inside the fence there were lots of people hitting little balls around, I got excited thinking I could play that game, but they all looked too serious. They were riding around in little clown cars that sounded like lawn mowers and wearing funny hats. Mom said they were “golfers” - uh, ok. They won’t let me play with their balls so what good are they to me?
It was pretty darned warm, so we walked back to the car for a refreshing beverage.
Then for my final daytime walkie, we just went into the park behind my building. I saw s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g…
Neither mom nor I could figure out what it was but it was getting me all hot and bothered. I had to take out my nervous energy somewhere, or on someone, or on something…
Gophers!!! I was this close to bagging one today…
So dad, rest assured that I am up to the challenge of being MAN OF THE HOUSE while you’re gone.
I bet it was one of those stupid white bunnies from mom's garden! hehehehehe
You sure have one sexy bark Bogie!
Love ya lots,
Yes Bogie!
Priorities are very important! I agree!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Bogie -
Great post as usual. We wanted to wish you and your humans a great memorial day weekend!!
ha-pee weekend !!!!! i wish i could go on as many walks as you !!!!!!!
You always have lots of adventures on your walks, I'm very jealous! J x
Hi, Bogart.
Take care of your mom while your dad is away.
Have a nice weekend.
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