I don't know about where you are but here in Los Angeles for the last 2 days it's been INCREDIBLY HOT. Too hot for this Dale's taste, especially since it's not even summer yet. Yesterday was 93 degrees, today might be even hotter. Whew - that means a whole lotta nothing for me as I get too lazy to do much of anything.
Of course I want to go outside and toss the stick around - but after I cajole mom (or dad) and we get to the park I'm too hot and tired to do much, so I find a shady spot to lay down and chew on my stick. Which for some crazy reason the humans don't think is a good idea as they seem to want to constantly go back to the apartment (ok, it is a little cooler there when I sit in front of the fan but whatever). So we actually have to walk a bit which is TIRING, HOT, and KINDA CRUMMY.
Oh well, back to claim my spot in front of the fan.
Where did spring go???
Oh Bogie! I feel so badly for you! Come to my house and my mom will give you a hairecut! She did Mitch today and he's turned into a monster! She's ready to glue it back on! HELP!!!!
Love ya lots,
i totaly know what you mean ... it is sooooo hot here today , a toasty 97 F , WAY TO HOOOOOOOOOOT FOR THIS AIREGIRL ........
Hi Bogart. I don't want to tell you but people says this is just the begining of a veeeery hot sesion. I hope nobody takes away your spot in front of the fan.
Wow, that's hot. I hate the hot weather, I just go all floppy. J x
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