But I insisted on taking a special moment for my girl-Dales, Sunshade, Faya, and Maggie and writing them a little love letter...
Tonight I spent a little alone-time with their fantastic cards and lovely presents... you girls make me feel so special!!!
These were from my dreamgirl Sunshade my Canadian cutie, I cannot believe how beautiful and personal she made my card!
And the "Airedale Taxi Service" sign is perfection!!!!! I'm completely over the moon for Miss Sunshade and think she was especially good at directing her mom and making amazing cards...
And this was from Faya, all the way from Switzerland!!! My European babe! I think she looks especially fetching with her Santa hat cocked jauntily to one side, don't you? Thank you for the beautiful calendar, I wish Los Angeles was so pretty!!!!
And of course who could forget my FANTASTIC Airedale ornament (looks just like me!!!) from Maggie! This has been the ONLY ornament on MY tree (yes I have my own little silver one - I'm not afraid of it anymore!) ever since I put up my tree. So I can look at it over and over and think of my pretty Aire-girl, Maggie.
Looks like I've got my ladies on many continents... girls you make my Aire-heart beat so much faster!!!!!
You ever lovin' man,
You do have some very pretty lady friends. I got a card from Faya too (don't get jealous), but I nibbled it quite a lot. Oops. It just smelled sooo good that I couldn't resist.
Oscar x
You're such a handsome boy Bogie! Who can resist your charms. We're so glad you like the ornie. We had loads of fun making it for you!
Our hearts are in the same place...Miss Sunshade is quite the gal!
Your pal, Mackie
He Bogart ! What have you done to Faya ? Everytime I speak of you she is blushing.... You are a "Coquin"....
Yes, that SunShade's mom made some amazing cards, didn't she?
Festive Wags,
What an adorable puppy you are !!!
Oh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bogie Bogie..... that first phot.... yes it got me, got me reeeeeal good...hehe
I loved all the special moments you spent with mini-me and my card, I felt it all the way over here in Vancouver. I bet we are connected telepathically, my handsome devil!!
Your dreamy girl,
Miss Sunshade (I'm going to dreamland while keeping that first image fresh in my mind...)
Isn't romance nice? Enjoy yourself, Bogart!
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