Not long after all of the presents were opened and somewhat consumed, mom and dad had to leave... now, being left at home to "relax a bit" is one of my very least favorite things in all the world. I couldn't understand why they were leaving me behind. So what if there are parties to go to, they don't allow dogs??? What is this world coming to...
It turns out that they first went over to Mareike's house to bring some human cookies & some doggie treats to my 3 favorite Airedales - Robin, Kermit, & Jupie!!! I knew they went to visit my buddies because mom came home smelling like them - all over! So at least I can take some comfort in the fact that my Aire-pals took good care of mom when I wasn't there - face licking, jumping, you know, all the important stuff.
Then they went to a party in Hollywood - they came home looking so happy that even as I was angry at being left home alone for soooooo long I just had to forgive them. Their silly, stupid faces do make me melt sometimes. So I brought over my leash for dad, we had a quick late-night peepee, then it was off to doggie dreamland.
I really think I like this Christmas-thing...
To Aire is Divine
We thinks your Doggles look fabulous - give 'em a try!
Hello Bogart ! I received the same pillow waouhhhhh..... Another reason to dream of you..... Big Kiss from Switzerland...
Hey Bogie,
Next time you're crusin' in the car with mom you'll have your shades on! OMG you'll be stopping traffic! You sure are a handsome dude!
I Love those Doggles! You look adorable in them!
Hi Bogart,
You really look very good in those doggles. You should really wear them more often especially when your parents drives with windows down. :)
I didn't know you could get sunglasses for dogs called Doggles. Can you get them for cats too? Are they called coggles? They do make you look extraordinarily cool.
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