And to the universe: You can continue to kick me all you want. Ultimately what will happen is that you will kick me harder and harder and I will get stronger and stronger. Despite your best efforts and excellent aim, I'm still here, you bastard. Maybe pick on someone your own size in 2010?
To my friends all around the world - thank you for caring even when I didn't, thank you for keeping me alive even when I hoped not to be.
To my cats, the furry guardians of my soul, your warmth and willingness to sit on my lap at all hours of the day or night and not flinch when my tears rained down upon your heads, sometimes was the only warmth during some very cold days.
To my best friend in the entire world Bogart Handsome Devil, to call you just my dog does you a huge disservice. Your ever-ready-ness to explore the world and your endless curiosity continue on the fine tradition that Klaus taught you (he would be PROUD). I learn something new either from you or because of you every day.
And to Klaus. I miss you, husband-o.