We had a niiiiiice long walkie down Colorado Boulevard, lots of Airedmiration, and it is really lovely to breathe in this weather!
Then we came back to our favorite cafe, Lovebirds. Mom got the same sandwich she always does, but this time they managed to put waaaay too much mozzarella cheese on it for her taste. Guess who will be the beneficiary of extra-yummy-mozzarella-falling-from-the-sky?
Yum Yum
Then I was getting antsy and wanted to walk some more before the heavy rain started. Mom understood. I know that lots of my doggie friends have snow and rain (and it can be annoying!) but since we have almost none of that here, I get very excited about it.
Hi, Bogart!
Looks like you had a good time with your mom!
Here the weather is crazy. Cold, hot, cold, hot!
Have a great weekend
Hey Bogie, we didn't realise it was so dry in LA. Do you have water restrictions?
I too love the wild weather ~ especially if there is wind to blow through my haire!
Your mama understands the soul of an Airedale and she LOVES her Bogie Boy! Glad you got to gnab some mozzarella. Lotsa Mozza, I always say!
Goober love & smooches,
Hey Bogart!!
Sounds like you had a great day!!
Lots of love!
peace out
Yummy!! We love mozzerella, Bogie! Lucky you that the restaurant heaped too much of it on your mom's lunch!
You and Mitch look so much alike! You have about the same length fur at this point too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello fellow dog of the blogger world!
I totally undewstand..I love vawiations in the weathew..and when it's cold it's so nice to bweathe ..I feel enewgised..I love that you had mozawella falling fwom the sky..what could be bettew? hehehe..I'm glad you had such a gweat day
smoochie kisses
Mmmmmmm cheese, Bogie....we know how ya feel bout the weather. Mumsie used to live in North Carolina and she said frankly all those bootiful sunny days got BORING. Most terrier owners do not like to be bored...so Pittsburgh allows her to complain bout the weather...it's cold here and we still have snow. BRRRRRRR....we've never been to a cafaaay....but we'd love to go to one...u are one handsome Dale!
You are such a lucky pooch to get the extra mozzarella. Your Mom is so nice to share with you! I hope that some day I can enjoy the outdoor dining like you do so often. Hope extra mozzarella continues to rain down from the sky. he he he!
Your pal,
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