We watched some TV together...
The Dales wanted to help dad as he was checking email - but everybody knows it's mom who does all of the SERIOUS computer work...
What kind of weird tree is this? When I saw it I was intrigued, but as I brushed up against it I decided otherwise.
Took a long walk through Silverlake...
And spent some time in the garden throwing sticks - well that was mostly me - everyone else was too pooped after the walkie but I was somehow the energizer bunny and wanted to run up the hill at top speed again and again chasing sticks. Go figure.
This is just a weird picture - look closely at my mouth - I was mid-bark when mom snapped it, and while it looks like some odd photoshop, it's not!
But mostly my buddies were waiting for their mama to come home - looking out the window to see if she was there. Don't worry guys, she's coming home today, I promise!
While I know I'm gonna see my buddies on a regular basis, I cannot tell you how much fun the last few days have been - spending ALL of my time with them while their mama Mareike was out of town - so Mareike, just let me know if you need my services again any time soon, I'm happy to help!!!!!
Hey Bogie...
Happy New year... looks like you had so much fun with all your friends!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Looks like you had a crazy good time!
No better way to start a new year ! You look so happy !
Kisses, Faya
It is great to meet up with friends, you certainly enjoyed yourself. Happy New Year.
Molly and Taffy
What a fun vacation you've had with all of your Dale buddies! We're so envious!
That's sure a nasty looking thorn tree!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We can tell you really love your maties Bogie. You all look so good together but we may be a little bias lol. Bet they missed their mama though.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Bogart!
Happy New Year - you're so lucky to be starting it off right with nothing but Dale Days!! Have fun on all those long walks!
Puppy slobberz...KB
Hey Bogart Boy! You sure are getting a comfy coat on you...Mom calls it the teddy bear coat...It looks like you've been busy...playing! What fun!
Love, Herc
Looks to me like you are the supreme dog-sitter. Good thing your dad had you along to keep things moving.
In all those photos my girl kept saying, "ok, which one is Bogart?" She always found you, though. She knows you have a very black dogly saddle.
I'm sure Marieke will be giving you some extra lovin' for being such good company for her dales!
Goober love,
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