My buddy Stanley is having a beard contest - everyone has been growing theirs - and while I definitely think that mine will not win for longest beard (I'm just kinda challenged in the furnishings department) I thought I'd throw my beard and stache into the ring.
I love that close-up picture of your nose and beard, Bogie! You sure are a cutie! I'm not going to win either. I know for a fact that Sephie and Buster have longer beards than I do, unless of course they don't enter and that's pretty far-fetched!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good luck, man!
It's not the size that matters Bogie!!! I love your beard!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Bogart!
Good luck at the contest!
Kisses and hugs
I am challenged in the beard area also...I need to get my measurement, but I am not expecting too much...
Love, Herc
Good Luck Bogart! Mom wouldn't let me participate, evil lady that she is!! I hope you win a prize!!!
Your pal,
I don't have a long beard either Bogart, mine is just very thick and bushy, and finally growing back on my nose where my previous owner shaved it all off like a lnading strip?!!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Look'n good Bogie. We've no hope.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
My beard hasn't grown either, seems to have come to a full stop! You look handsome no matter the length of your beard Bogart.
Molly and Taffy
Hi Bogart -
It's hard to tell from that photo how long your beard is, so I reckon it is longer than you have led us all to believe...! Good luck - we both love your beard the way it is whatever anyway!
Love Molly and Gertie
Hey B, I don't stand much of a chance against you airedales, but I'm still giving it a shot! Jx
Hey, Buddy!
You beat me out BIG TIME in the beard department. I don't know if I've just been hopeful and unrealistic about my beard-growing ability, or if it's because I've been afflicted with my own personal de-bearding machine... The Stellanator!
Thanks for entering. You added some juiciness to the competition.
Goober love,
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