Ok, I'm thinking that this is the BEST Christmas-themed dog picture I've ever seen... and mom is wondering how the hell their mom and/or dad was able to set up the hay , get the baby in the "manger", put in the wrapped gifts, get the headgear just right - and get a GOOD picture!!!!
It says - "When the three wise dales arrived bearing gifts they found the puppy & the glory of the Lord shone all around. The wise dales knew that this truly was the King of the Terriers" THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!
It's from the Leuradales - Noah, Willow, Lucy and Tess of Noah's Bark - thank you guys SO MUCH for the cool card, and mom really wants to know your secret!
Noah's card gets best creative Christmas card at our house too! A LOT of work went into that! I bet they went through 4 whole bags of treats to get that job done!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I practically forced them to send me one of these cards too!! I agree. Totally cool, man!
Goob love,
I think they're all superglued down!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
I guess it like here :278 pictures to get the right one !
Kisses, Faya
Hi, Bogart
My mom wants to know the secret too! Here, is just me and she could not get a good picture!
Have a great weekend
Hee hee, you guys are funny. Truth be told it was all pretty easy. First of all the props were put in place and head gear prepared. Then we were lead out on our leads. Lots of fly spray was sprayed to stop Tess from snapping at the flies and losing her turban. Then the treats came out....sit stay, stay, stay, uhhh no, stay, good dogs.. this went on for sometime... then click click click click...more treats. Then voila, pictures taken, happy pinkies, happy poochies!! Plus our pinky B means business, when he says stay, we stay....lol.
I agree, best picture!!!
Your friend, Lenny
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