I'm wondering if my pals could do me a quick favor - I've got mom spending all of her copious free time redoing my other blog - www.toaireisdivine.com/blog - if my buddies could check it out to see if anything screwy is happening I'd really appreciate it!
You can leave comments here if you like, or to leave comments on that blog you have to first choose a username and password (in the META area on the right side, under my Chat-box).
You can leave comments here if you like, or to leave comments on that blog you have to first choose a username and password (in the META area on the right side, under my Chat-box).

To Aire is Divine
You are SO considerate of your mama, making sure she's not distracted. Your cuteness is overwhelming (just ask my girl ~ she says you can distract her ANYtime).
Yes. We got the package of the GREAT PINE CONE!!! You are too much, man! Stella has forsaken the training cone in favor of mine, but I'm protecting that puppy!
Thank you for thinking of me and my coneless existence. I am coneless no more! (We'll post about it as soon as we get the internet connection back).
Goober love & smooches,
Your mom is doing a great job Bogie....
Kisses, Faya
What a sweet picture of you, Bogie! Your other blog looks great to us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your other bwog wooks gweat! Have a good nap!
Hi, Bogart
I like the other blog. Silly me, I wasn't able to register there! I hope I can do it later.
Have a great sunday
Hi Bogart,
The other blog is looking good. I bounce back and forth between both of them, but I usually leave me comments on this one (since I'm already logged in). You are so nice to your Mommy. I bug mine even more when she is working on something. He he he!
Your pal,
The other blog is good Bogie but which should we go too? I've been leaving comments on this one like Kirby.
It looks good to me - I like the design ...
I'm distracted by your cuteness even when you're sleeping!
hi bogart, your other blog looks fine! you know, for a long time, i didn't realise you had two blogs (i used to link to your other blog) until i found that i sometimes wasn't able to leave messages for you. when i linked direct from my own comments box, i get to this blogspot blog and i can leave messages; but when i link from my home page, i get to your other blog which requires a password! am i making this more complicated or what?? o, i must be too hungry to make any sense!
Hi Bogart!
I had my mommy look at your new site, she's loving it - only said it takes a while for all of the pictures to load. :) but that was it.
You're picture makes me want to take a nap!
Hey Buddy,
Sorry I havent been around for a while, my stupid dad has been out of town with his magic picture box and those stupid racing mobiles again.....SOOOOOO STUPID!.
Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and remind you that "You Da Dog!".....Im sure you already knew that though:-)
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