Hey dad, whatcha doin'? OH MY DOG...
Outside in the garden at Mareike's house the Dales rule and now we have our very own fountain... and yes, it's a REAL TOILET.
What's better than drinking nice, fresh moving water from a toilet? Very little. While I have a Drinkwell fountain at home, I do admit to indulging in a little eau de toilet from time to time.
The toilet is really perfectly placed in the garden - near the hammock and in what will soon be the main entertaining area - where the humans will barbecue and enjoy their food and beverages, and now the Dales can too...
I had to be the first to try it out and I must say that once you realize that it's YOUR toilet even though it's not inside - it's incredibly cool. Dad hooked up a pump so that the water keeps moving around - which as any dog knows, is really the key to the whole drinking-out-of-the-toilet-thing anyway.
That's a happy, wet, refreshed beard.
Everybody loves it - I think it's party time!
So dad busted out the Charlie Bears (for those who don't know about these, they're crunchy little training treats that you can get pretty much everywhere - mom cannot figure out why I love these things so much as they seem like they would have very little flavor, they're basically like water crackers, but hey, they're yummy to me and all of my Dale buddies so I say BRING 'EM ON) and we all sat like good dogs, ready to receive our treats. Ok so we variously sat and got up, but we did all stay in the same general area and that should be good enough...
We love the outdoor toilet fountain! What a brilliant idea! I bet it's the talk of the neighborhood!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Dog...man...I can hardly even type that is just soooo cool...we sooo want one...our very own toilet to drink from. Bogie...do you even know how lucky you are?????????? Seriously...we're movin' there!!
Swirly and flushie barks, Scruffy
Hi, Bogart
Sure that toilet is a dream come true for you and your friends! Its sooo cool! The humans normally say not to drink from it and now you have one just for that!
Have a great weekend
Whoa, man! I OFFICIALLY want to nominate Marieke for a post in my cabinet! (Tell her about me and the cabinet post. She can pick whatever position she wants). Personally, I think she should be the Minister of LOVE, but it's up to her.
Seriously. Tell her I LOVE HER and that I'd be honored for her to serve the citizens of GooberStan!
Goober love & envy,
That drinking fountain is the best ever. Gotta say, it really is an great idea. Now we just have to talk B into getting one for us.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
That's so cool! You've got your own toiwet!
OMDog !!!!
When's the fountain warming PAWTY?
Bogart your Dad's a genius!!
Running water - outdoor toliet all that's missing is that wonderful paper to strech across the yard.
Dreams do come true! Need more shots of you guys at the fountain.
Fabulous. Thanks for making us smile!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Wow I wish we had a toilet in our backyard. That would be so cool..
You are so lucky to be able to enjoy a personal toilet! It's such a good idea. If only my humans we're as accomodating as that!
Wah, thats cool. I never try that before. Your dad is so cool man, mayb I should ask my dad to make one for me too.
That toilet fountain is THE BEST! I would so have been the first to drink out of it too. Imagine, Jupie, Kermit and Robin have their own toilet to drink out of, now that's living!
Your pal,
You're a lucky dog, Bogart!
Your fellow toilet-water-slurping friend, Lenny
I love the pic with all the airedales!!! How cute!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Bogie!
That toilet is too coolest ever!!!!!! You guys are all so LUCKIEST ever!!!!!! I love it!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
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