Today Heidi - my best Boxer friend and pawsonal trainer - went to the great pawsonal training facility in the sky. We're all very sad - she was only 2 years old - but happy that she's not in pain and that she didn't suffer for a long time with the cancer.
So if ya see a new Boxer-shaped star in the sky tonight, say hi to Heidi for me.
Boggie...we are so very sorry for the loss of your buddy. Why so young? Fair? No. There is no answer. Oscar and the other dogs at the Bridge will be awaiting him...run free!
Scruffy and Lacie
Oh Boggie, we are so very sorry to hear about Heidi. It's so sad she didn't get to live a long life. Seems so unfair.
You're in our thoughts.
Take care.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
We are so very sorry to hear about Heidi. We're sending lots of love to you and Heidi's family as we know exactly how they are feeling. I'm certain she will continue to watch over them and Fritz and Dee-Dee. Run free sweet girl, Oscar will be pleased to play I'm certain.
Katy and martin x
I'm so sorry you lost one of your best friends, Bogie! She was too young! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and Heidi and her family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Heidi she was still a puppy... 2 years.. It is not fair...Bogart I am so sad for you and all Heidi's friends...we will keep you in our prayers..
Kisses, Faya
Oh Bogie...
I'm so sorry! Heidi looked like a cool girl. Me and mom are thinking good thoughts for you and Heidi's family.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Bogart, I'm so sorry to hear about Heidi. She was such a wonderful dog, and such a great pawsonal trainer. I can only hope that Fritz and Dee-Dee picked up as much of her Heidi-ness that they could. Heidi's wonderful ways will live on in them, always! May she run free with all the wonderful dogs that have gone before her. Heidi and her family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you are coping well, Bogie. Have a burger for her!!
Your pal,
So sorry to hear about yer boxer buddy - Have a nice Halloween!
hi, this is my first time coming to your page..and i'm glad i could at least send comments on a day like this..that's so sad to hear about Heidi.. :( hope you have a nice halloween...
Aw Bog, It's always so sad when our friends go, especially when they are so young. Heidi looks like she was a great friend with the cutest face ever.
Bogart, I'm so sorry to hear about Heidi and I'm thinking about you and Heidi's family. Thank you for sharing her with us though so we could get to know how wonderful she is!
Your friend, Lenny
So sad and so sorry that you lost your friend. She was so young. Hugs to you and her family.
Mackie and Finnegan
Oh dear, I'm so sowwy Bogart. I shall wook carefuwwy in the sky and see if I can see a boxer shape star!
I've been away for a little while, and just saw your post about Heidi. I'm so sorry, man. I know you two were very tight, and she is responsible in large part for your tight athletic bod.
AireZen and goober love coming your way and for Heidi's family too. I'm glad Fritz & Dee Dee got to hang with Heidi before she left. Now they'll understand her peeps loss!
Goob love & hugs,
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