Friday, September 14, 2007

I Can Make You a Man

Today's food-ical interlude, courtesy of chef dad - welcome to Chez Bogart:

Start with only the best fresh ingredients...

I like my carrots GRATED, not sliced...

Add some water to the pot with the carrots... simmer while moving on to the good stuff...

Slice that beef tripe into small pieces...

Mmmm... Corazon (beef heart - we had to learn this because we go to a Mexican butcher)

I must sample the corazon to be sure that it's fresh and chopped to my specifications...

Looks pretty good dad...

A pat from the vegetarian... notice the foaminess beginning to develop on my mighty beard...

Add the meat to the simmering pot...

Sometimes I get a little rice, sometimes pasta. This week - rice

Mmm... liver - don't forget to chop that into little pieces!


Smells mmm mmm good

Ah, the proverbial full bowl...

It's awfully good... I'm going to start eating while dad finishes up...

He adds a few scoops into a plastic quart-sized baggie...

Then weighs it (I usually get about 1 1/2 pounds)

And here is the finished product - a weeks worth of organ-y goodness!

Even kitties LOVE it!



To Aire is Divine


Stanley said...


Mmmmm. Mmmm. I want to crawl through the pooter and join you for dinner, man! Your dad sure knows how to make a stew a dog can sink his TEETH into.

On a personal note, I've never had organs, but my girl is looking into the BARF thing, so hopefully there will be corazon in my future.

Goober love,

Duke said...

OMG, does that ever look tasty! I'm glad you told us what the tripe was! I've never seen it like that and I was wondering what that white sheet stuff was! That's the stuff that doggies all die for!

Love ya lots,

Faya said...

Looks good ! Maybe I could eat the same but raw.... I will ask Véronique...
Kisses, Faya

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart
Corazon, higado, panza. Yummy! Your food looks really good!
Did you know that there is a dish called "Menudo" here in Mexico made with the beef tripe? People say it is very good when you have a hangover!
Have a nice day

Asta said...

That looks mouthwatewingly yummylicious!
You must have a gweat butchew..cowazon sounds tewwific..awe you coming to my birfday pawty??maybe you could bwing some Bogie stew to eat by the campfiwe
smoochie kisses

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

You're making me hungry, Bogart. Although, technically, I'm always hungry.

Peace and belly rubs be upon you,

The Airechicks said...

Bogart -

What an excellant Executive Chef you are you know how to run that ktichen.....Like clockwork...

You've got that Sous Chef - Dad trained just right....Where's the waitstaff ???

Looks so GOOD - we might have to have a "FLY IN TO DINE WITH BOGART NITE"

We might have to write that recipe down and work on Mom to do some cooking !!

Lip smacking .....Beard dripping great meal....


Ferndoggle said...

Yummmmmmmy! I'm coming over to your house for dinner. Let me know when your personal chef is back in the kitchen!


sammawow said...

Wow, your Bogie Stew looks terrific! Your lucky to have a dad who is such a great chef! We didn't know what the white stuff was until you told us...

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We are so there, Bogie...that is the best thing Lac and I have ever seen. You get to eat 1&1/2 lbs at every meal??? That's about 15% of Lacie's body weight...I wish I were a Dale, but we smallish terriers have to watch our caloric intake. Your stew looks the BEST!!!

Hungry barks, Scruffy

Ben & Darling said...

Yum~yum, your hooman are great cook ler. Can you mail some over ??