Mom and I got an email from Fresh Pet asking if we'd want to try out their Deli Fresh line of foods for dogs. Hell yeah I wanna try new foods! I'm not a big aficionado of most dog food as you know, and am completely spoiled that dad makes my food for me most of the time. There are a few brands that I will tolerate as long as I get my homemade food most of the time, but I've never tried this before...
I really liked their tagline: Food for Dogs, Not Dog Food.
So today the FedEx man brought a package for me - special delivery - and I opened it immediately. Inside the green Fresh Pet bag (which I'm gonna use in the Bogie-mobile to keep doggie supplies) was two rolls of the Deli Fresh doggie food. Mmmm...
I was totally ready to eat it right from the roll. THAT'S how good it smelled. Mom let me sniff but she wouldn't let me eat it directly from the roll (despite what I've heard about humans eating cookie dough from the roll...) so I had to wait while she sliced some up for me.
Doesn't this look yummy? I can see all of the veggies inside...
Mmm... MY BOWL IS FULL, bring it on mom!
It went from full bowl...
To empty bowl in record time. I've gotta say that I LOVE THIS STUFF, and as a very picky eater I'd give that TWO PAWS UP!!! I'm gonna recommend that mom take this with us whenever we're out and about, it's an easy way for me to get yummy food I like anywhere!
Visit my friends at Fresh Pet, I think you'll like this food as much as I did!
I guess this food gets the paws-up! It does look yummy! I wish we could smell it! Did you get to eat the whole roll?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You look like one satisfied customer in that last photo! I've heard of this stuff under their other product name ~ Homestyle Select. My girl has a coupon for some free stuff. I'm gonna make her get it for me.
BTW, couldn't help but notice who was waiting by your watering center for you to finish your meal... Mr. Fish Lips and Octostuffie! I am pleased to see they are being loved.
Goober love,
I love the last picture ! Huuuuummmmm.... Kisses, Faya
Bogie...you look like one stuffed dog. (Er, go to our blog; that might not be such a good thing...)That is one enormous food bowl. As a 10 lb. Lakie, I get about 1/100 of that. I am coming to your house for dinner!!!!!!!!! Faya's right...the last pic is the best!
Lakie love & wiry hugs...S & L
Professional food taster.... sounds like a doggy dream come true! If you need any help with that, just call, ok?
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