Sunday, October 16, 2011

An Apple a Day...

Keeps me running down the street a top speed because damn does it look like a rogue tennis ball...

Really.  Tell me that doesn't look like a tennis ball.  Doesn't taste like a tennis ball, but looks disarmingly like one.

And then I spotted THIS.  The apples are messing with me today...



Shane Kent Louis said...

Yeah, they are same colors of tennis ball, Woof, but that is a yummy green apple.

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Anonymous said...


Are they tasty though?


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Totally looks like a tennis ball. I have surfed the counter for a big green tomato that had me thinkin' the same thing! Hey, when one is ball-centric like us, what do they expect?

Kolchak Puggle said...

You play with your apples? Mine don't last long enough because I start chomping on them. They are tooooo tasty to waste!

Kolchak Puggle said...

Ps - I hope you'll join us for our Tasty Tuesday blog hop and add this post to the linkz list!