Wednesday, June 29, 2011

No Bad Dogs

During the evening walkie, we walked past the spot where the old Philly AIDS Thrift store was... it's just moved around the block, but they still have a box of books out front for the taking.
Guess which one I spotted?

And just in case you think that I'm going all soft and becoming a completely "good" dog...

I hid behind the book...

I moved just to the side so that the entire book wasn't in the photo (trying to prove my bad-ass-ness)...

I looked pensively off to the side rather than right at the camera...

And then finally... the money shot.  There truly are no bad dogs - just occasionally badass dogs!



Kolchak Puggle said...

What an exceptionally long tongue you have Bogart!!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

L-Ov-ed the photos! Now mommy is going around saying "walksies" in a weird high pitched voice. Strange!
BRD & HOotie

Pet Lover said...

Fantastic photos, Wonderful Bonding.