Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Airezen for Robin!

My pal Robin (one of what dad used to call "the mobsties") is sick... he has a tumor and may need surgery - he needs some serious Airezen or any-kind-of-Zen-you-can-do!

Mama spilled the beans to me that I am going to get to visit my favorite Dales in LA this summer, and hey, I really wanna see my pal Robin. Robin is a very, very special boy to his mama Mareike, so I'm asking for your lovin' to come toward Los Angeles from all of the world!




Unknown said...

Consider it done! Time to start barking at the Dog Star again on our last walk of the day.

Your pal,


Asta said...

I will cewtainly send all my pawsitive tewwiew vibes to Robin..I'm so happy you get to go visit youw fwiends I want you to be able to see ALL of them
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Paws crossed for Robin!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

We'll be thinking good thoughts for Robin too! *crosses paws* Hope he gets well real soon!


animal lover, quilt lover said...

Good thoughts & prayers go out to you & Robin in L. A.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We'll be sending EVERYTHING good in the direction of Robin. And to his family. All those pawsitive vibes are what can really make the difference. We're glad you may get to go see him... we'll be crossing our paws and hoping for the very best. Send our best wirey wishes to him and his family, okay?

Jake and Fergs (who understand the power and healing of love)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Done, Bogie. We are wishin' and hoping Robin gets unsick and doesn't need surgery.
Aire & Weshie Zen to Robin,
BabyRD & Hootie

Inky and Molly said...

Have send some Aire-Zen to the land far far away! Paws crossed...

Stanley said...

Hey, Bogalicious!

Stella & I and the girl (& even Merv) are cranking up the AireZen and sending healing goob smooches Robin's way. Please let Mareike know that I'm sending some extra juicy soothing goob smooches for her.

Keep us posted, man. Glad you're heading back to LA for a visit. Very cool.

Goober love,

Duke said...

We're sending LOTS of AireZen Robin's way, Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Bogie
We hope the surgery is successful. We are sending loads of aire-zen for your buddy Robin. We sure hope he's ok.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Dexter said...

Robin just has to get better because you haven't seen him in forever! I will send my Mango zen to LA.

I have been watching you, but not always commenting. You hang in there dude. You are doing a good job taking care of your mama.


Chloe and Libby said...

I'm sending Robin all kinds of good vibes to get better right after the surgery.

Martha said...

Hi Bogart
Can we add our basset good vibes to help you pal Robin through his surgery.
love and best wishes
Martha & Bailey xxx

Jersey Girl said...

My boys, Casey and Morgan, will send all the Corgi-zen they can muster!

Jake of Florida said...

Just to add to the diverse Zens floating through cyberspace to your pal, Robin, how about some powerful WIREY ZEN???

We sure hope Robin's surgery is successful and that you and your Mom get to see him and his family in LA.

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Princess Patches said...

Don't worry, Bogie, we're on it! Lots of Aire-zen headed to Robin! We hope he's feeling really great, really soon!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

The Airechicks said...

Hey Bogart:

Please let Mareike know we're sending bunches of AIREZEN and good vibs for Robin and his pack....

Like Stanley said please let us know how things are....

Enjoy your trip to LA - can't wait to see the pics of you & the dales!!!


Dawn said...

We will send Sheltie healing vibes to LA for Robin! Sheltie vibes are not as wiry as Airedale vibes, but they are very persistent!

Cisco Kid Ochoa said...

Heard the call for Airezen! I'm here and sending as much as I poassibly can! Get well Robin!

Even my stoopid sister, the COCKER, is sending her ole long-eared-sad-eyed zen. Best of luck Robin!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Bogie...we're with Petey...that Dogstar is a powerful thing...we'll be barkin' for Robin also...

And we're delighted you're gonna get to go to LA and visit Mareike and clan...we've missed them!!!!

Love ya lots sweet boy and kisses to your mom!!!!

Hugs and lakie pucker power...


The Black and Tans. said...


We have just returned from our holiday and are catching up with reading all our favourite blogs. We are sad to read that your friend Robin has a tumor. We have our paws crossed for him.

Molly and Taffy