Mama and I decided to do something a little different this year - rather than opening all of our Christmas cards as they arrived, we thought it would be fun to open them all during the opening of the presents on Christmas morning - so we could ooh and aah over all of the cool cards that our DWB buddies sent to us from all over the world.
It was hard not to open the cards as they arrived, but mama was good about keeping them all in a nice pile while we waited for the 25th. And it was totally worth it - we thought about you all as we opened the envelopes and the emails!!!
The kitties could not control themselves, they were totally fascinated with all of the cards.
Orange tabbies in particular seem to have an unhealthy preoccupation with card destruction. Perhaps we should try to distract them?
This is WIllie - he is the kitty that came to live with us after his mama died. He's doing really well and is a part of our furry family now.
Check out this cool toy that I got - he is a rubber pig!!! - and most importantly, he SQUEAKS!!! I think I'm gonna name him Bacon...
Aw, and some good stuff to chomp on. I was originally far more interested in the package that held these wag'n wraps, and destroyed it promptly. I do think that Bacon and I will become best friends, however.
Hehehe - the Bogie Stogie
The kitties got something special too - a packet of Feline Greenies!!! And so, without further ado, I introduce the furry chorus:
Sekhmet, the black Siamese girlie...
Kafka, the orange shorthaired tabby boy...
Behemoth, the grey and white "spotto gato" boy...
Willie, the long haired orange tabby boy...
And Aeon, the brown tabby girl.
Merry Christmas everydog! Hope you all got LOTS of great presents - BIG AIRE KISSES to all of you and your families!!!
Bogie mate,
That's a great idea with the cards. We might try that next year.
Did you have a good Christmas? Looks like you did well with the treats.
Take it easy,
Noah x
Hi, Bogart!
Yes, it was a great idea! Opening all the cards in one time sure was pawesome!
Glad to see everyone enjoyed the presents!
Kisses and hugs
From one goob to another...
I love ya, man!
Glad you and the kitties and your sweet mama & dad had a fine celebration. All my best to Bacon.
Goober love,
How cute Bacon is! We can see that you'll be great friends, Bogie! You sure have a lot of kitty sibs!
That's a cool idea to wait till Christmas to open up all of your Christmas cards! You sure did get lots!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Bogart
Your Christmas looked loads of fun, we love Bacon!
Our hooman says her Dyson is absolutely brilliant and it certainly hoovers up all the fluff and hair we manage to leave on the floor! Cheek....we are very clean and cannot possibly leave a mess!!!!
Molly and Taffy
Snow in LA? Maybe that will convince my mom it's not personal. She has been standing at the window watching more snow and muttering, "They said it would rain. Somebody up there hates me."
Merry Christmas to you and your feline family! -fom Viva and Merlot
Mewwy Chwistmas! You've got soooo many cards! Wow!
I saw me in that card pile!! I think you had a GREAT idea waiting!! Looks like you got some fun pressies!
Our dearest Bogart!! We are so glad you had a wonderfull holiday! We have been AWFULL in reading and responding to blogs this year but Archie and I have made a pact that we are going to get better!! Love and kisses A+A
I am so glad you had such a lovely Christmas and that the snow is gone for a while and you can go on rides in the car!!
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