Dad and I made ourselves comfy on some furniture they had out on the street...but dad really, there is no excuse for this:

See how lovely I look in this middle of the West Elm tableau? Perhaps they should hire me as a model for their catalogs...

And a "noble" pose...

But hey this is supposed to be a party, right? So where is the food???

Mmm. BURGER. I haven't had one of these for SO LONG...

Faithful readers will remember that I have a very specific system for burger eating. Say it with me:

(now if you'll be eating a burger from a drive-thru, don't forget the all-important first step of - napkin falls from sky - so that your patty stays where it's supposed to!)

Make sure you dont' drop any important pieces...

The the top bun...

And finally the bottom bun with all of it's meaty, juicy goodness.

You can have your stinkin' vegetables mama. Uh, I mean, look I saved them for your dear mama!


I like this art stuff. It's tasty...

I'm about ready to give up my West Elm station, lets look around and see who else is here...

Look who mama found? Guess what kind of dog this is (yes, she had to ask!)..

It's a giant Schnauzer without a Schnauzer haircut!!! His name is Bowser, isn't he HANDSOME?

I can be a little iffy when I meet other male dogs. That pesky testosterone. But I really hit it off with Bowser.

I can kind of see the Schnauzer in him when I see his whole face - those cool eyebrows - and I appreciate a boy with a rugged individualist haircut like my own.

This lovely lady is an Airedale person!!! She's a photographer, I think she was trying to set up a shot of me looking all cool in her artsy glasses...

They had sidewalk chalk drawing going on... this is an outline of the Schnauzer from earlier!!! He really laid down and let them trace him - I don't think I would have allowed that. But that's just me.

Then on our way back to the Bogie-mobile we walked through Art in the Pearl, an outdoor artist fair.

Some very cool stuff - paintings, jewelry, ceramics, I saw so many different things.

And then I saw this...

And it made me want to do this...

Mama cut off a little of the horse's head, but this was a very cool wooden sculpture. I definitely feel much more artistic after my adventures today...

To Aire is Divine
Chez Bogart