Saturday, June 14, 2008

Airedale Pride

Hey everybody! It's Queer Pride weekend here in Portland, and as I have been known to dabble in some nice fuzzy Male Dale butt on occasion, we thought it made sense to head on over. Mom always goes to Pride events, they're a lot of fun and here in Portland it's dog-friendly!!! So I strapped on my best butch camo bandana (thanks again Stanley) and off we went!

Woo-hoo! SWAG!!!

The event was really busy even though we went early... this is gonna be a FUN day!

Look at the lovely girl Rottie I met! She was an absolute sweetheart, and mom gave her some of my Chez Bogart treats (yes, we've fired up the dehydrator again to see how things go!!!).

And she wanted more... that's a good sign :)

Then they had a pet contest - they had some awards for best costume, gayest dog, best trick...

So of course mom and I had to get up there!!! (that's mom in the black outfit and the red shirt holding me)

I wasn't really in the mood to do any tricks though - I kept wanting to check out some of the folks and doggies in the audience. So even though I'm usually an excellent parlour-trick-provider (mom was shooting for either a give paw or a high five), today was no dice. So I didn't win but it was still awfully cool...

I'm having an awfully good time - everybody here is cool and wants to pet me! Me likey...

With all of this walking around, a boy can get kind of hungry and tired. So it was time to go... On the way out there was a large group of pirates (yes, PIRATES) - we couldn't figure out what they were up to, but the costumes were pretty amazing...

So where should we go? We wandered around a bit and wound up at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl, right near mom's work. We've walked past here before but never stopped, and we weren't disappointed. Pizza for mom (thanks for the cheese!) and venison chili for dad, washed down with some good beer. Very pleasant.

This is Bogart Handsome Devil, intrepid reporter, letting my freak flag fly..... reporting from the Pearl. I'll definitely be back next year!!!



To Aire is Divine


Kimo and Sabi said...

Where's yer burger? We hopes you gotted a burger fer all that werk!

Dandy Duke said...

You always have the bestest, most fun adventures, Bogie!
Happy father's day to your dad!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, looks like a pawsome day out! J x

The Airechicks said...

Bogart -

What a wonderful fun day you must have had.....Looks like you hit the jackpot on the attention meter...

And - the Rotti chick - very cute...of course she LOVED Chez Bogart's treat...she looked like she'd would have sampled all your treats......

Please wish your Dad - "HAPPY FATHER'S Day!" - He's the best treat maker.....

Can't wait for your next adventure...


Dexter said...

You look great in your camo badanana. Good to see you got all the adoration you deserve. You don't need to do any tricks, just be your handsome self.


Lenny said...

Hey Bogart, that looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could have seen all those pirates!

Your friend, Lenny

Kirby said...

Hi Bogie,

That looked like a great event! Nothing beats some freebies, lots of Aire love and food at the end of it all! Perfect day out for a dale!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Bogie,
You always get to do such fun things. Good thing you're not shy getting up on stage.
Can't wait to hear about your next adventure.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The 3 G-Dales said...

Hey You Handsome Devil ~

You are so cool, hanging out the look like you are King of The World....Handsome devil Bogart.....

We get to do that too when we go for bye-bye's....mumsie never videos us though...maybe she will give it a whirl.....

Have a Pawesome Day Dude!

We got our Lola Dale by the way..she's pretty cool even though she wears PINK.

Nose Pokes Bud!

The 3 Griffindales!
Roy, Jack and Lola

erin said...

Great reporting job there, Bogart. You looked like you had a fun time. I wish dogs were allowed at more stuff like that here. How are you liking Portland? I heard somewhere that it's supposed to be one of the most dog-friendly cities out there.