Thursday, June 12, 2008

Schnitzelwich, Anyone?

Today is an important day - Austria is playing Poland in the European Championship of soccer... so I've gotta do my part to support my dad's team!!!

I study everything that goes on, watching for ways they can improve. Apparently they're not allowed to bite the ball and run away with it - which is my trademark move - so I'd have to think of other things for them to do.

Hm. They do a lot of running but not nearly enough in circles. I'm gonna suggest they do that - because then mom (uh, I mean whoever is chasing you) gets tired and lets go of the ball.

I'm a little frustrated with the Austrian team right now. They're losing 0-1 to the Polish team, and even with the addition of a new superstar player they're just not getting it done. Come on guys, I hear there are great treats in it for you if you win!

Ok, now they're got one final chance, one last kick, can they make it??? YESSSSS!!!!! Woo-hoo, it ends at 1-1 so Austria is still in the game! It's time to c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e...

Not exactly Austrian, but we found a very cool food cart called Tabor, they have Czech food! That sounds awfully tasty dad, how about sharing some of that fine chow with your favorite cheerleader?

There are LOTS of these food carts in downtown Portland and they have so many different kinds of food. They're usually open just for lunch and mom says that it's hard to choose sometimes! We'd never been to Tabor before, but mom saw them on the internet because they have a famous sandwich... THE SCHNITZELWICH.

This is their sign but it's kind of hard to see because it was so glossy - you see more of the building across the street than of the mighty schnitzelwich!

Aha, behold the schnitzelwich. A patty of either pork or chicken, fresh spinach, ajvar, horseradish on a tasty ciabatta roll. Dad has tried several schnitzel dishes around town since we've been here in Portland, and he says that this was the tastiest so far! How about letting me decide, huh dad?

One more bite for you, then a bite for meeeeeee....

WOW. That was YUMMO. You can check out the Tabor food cart here: Schnitzelwich

Always ready to sample new cuisines... until next time! GO AUSTRIA!!!



To Aire is Divine


The Black and Tans. said...

Great your team won Bogart. You should be the mascot for the team.

We loved your walk the other day, the Dale hole looked as if it needed a lot of investigation, bet there were some magnificent smells!

have a good weekend

Molly and Taffy

Duke said...

With you behind them, Austria can't lose!
That schnitzelwich sure does look yummy! We hope you got to taste it, Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Yay go Australia oh I mean Austria...sorry matie got a bit mixed up.
Crikey you've been busy this week. The hiking pics look excellent Bogie. The hole in the tree looks like a fun place to hide.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Lenny said...

Congrats to your team for hanging in there!!

That food looks delish. When my dad visited Portland his favorite part was all of the vegetarian restaurants.

Your friend, Lenny

Gaia the Airedale said...

Bogart you are adorable! That thing looks hella good, I want some!

puppy breath,

The 3 G-Dales said...

Hi Bogart you handsome devil -

We have missed catching up wiff you...Mumsie and our new sissy dale, Lola, have been busy getting to know one another all this past week...geez.....we felt like, ignored!

Then we made a bit of a stink and Mumsie got we got some alone time wiff her.

Looks like you have been having fun days...hikes on the Butte and snacks downtown.....pretty pawesome! You like have cool hoomans....must be you rhandsome devil face....

Well feel free to stop by our boggie to get immersed in PINK if you want to learn about sissy dale...Mumsie has lost her marbles...all she does is take pictures of the powder puff girl....yep, one day she'll come back to the big boys for attention.....

Ciao for now Bogart you handsome devil.....

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

I love soccer! But I do the same thing you do! Grab the ball and run! And when you go in circles (especially around a tree) the humans get tired of chasing!

Your dad's sandwhich made me and my human drool. I think it's time for some breakfast!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Cassidy said...

Well done to your team. We not watching the football cos daddy be sulking that England no be there!

Cassidy x

Asta said...

Go Austwia!!!!!
We love soccew, and my unkel lives in Austwia..and ummmI adowe schnitzels..that looked soo good..hmmmm, maybe I should move to Powtland
smoochie kisses

Faya said...

Ah Schnitzels.....Véronique do schnitzels every week for Dad and Little Man... Austria are still in the competition....not like Switzerland....bouhouuu
Kisses, Faya