Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Office

Where's Bogart? Mom plays this game with me whenever we're over at Mareike's house. She has a lovely, big backyard, and I have my "office" where I spend the majority of my time, tending to my stick collection, patrolling the upper area to protect us from anyone walking by, you know, the IMPORTANT stuff. I even have my own "desk lamp".

Ok mom, stop taking photos, I HAVE WORK TO DO



Chez Bogart

To Aire is Divine


Faya said...

I've found you !!!! Nice garden. I also like to hide myself in the garden...and I don't answer when Véronique is calling me....
Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

What a fabulous office you have at Mareike's, Bogie! Do we see Rosemary blooming in that last picture? Okay, so now mom is drooling!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

What lovely photos. Your office looks pawfect.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Dexter said...

That yard is great. I love the way you've done your office.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bogart!
Sure is important to have a special place to do your work! I like your office!
Have a great weekend

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Bogie...what a great office...our yard now is snow covered and it sounds like we live in the North Pole judging from the sound of the wind out there tonight...

How is the possible treatie buzness comin? We're hungry and Mumsie's afraid to buy most of the stuff from the pet store...those burgers you made look amazin' wonder you don't like icecream...not when ya have that kinda stuff to eat!

Nice collection of stickies Dales always HAVE to have something in your mouth...until we got Stanley we didn't know that!


Noah the Airedale said...

We've never tried ice-cream Bogie but I have a funny feeling we'd like it lol.
You're office is very cool matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Kirby said...

Hi Bogart,

Your office is the best! It looks like you've got everything a dog could want there. Bet it makes the stick work seem like play. He he!

Your pal,

Stanley said...


Sheesh. And I thought MY girl was a little too camera happy. (Glad to see she's not the only one who is so dale crazed).

Love the office. Love what you've done with it. Love it LOVE it LOVE IT!

I'll let you get back to work.

Goob love,