Everytime I'm in the car I keep looking back to see your head in the rear-view mirror. It's so weird to be here without you!!! We realized that we actually don't walk ANYWHERE without you, so this has been kind of tough for us. Nobody looks at me adoringly on the street, and the smiles are definitely more muted than when we are with you, oh fuzzy man.
But you'd LOVE it here - lots of other doggies and lots of doggie-businesses. I could easily see nice, long walks with you all over town and then sitting outside at a cafe drinking tea and soaking up the Airedmiration.
I couldn't sleep last night because I MISSED YOU BUDDY - I woke up at around 2am and quickly realized that you weren't at my feet and Kafka (the orange tabby) wasn't asleep on my butt. IT WAS WEIRD. I also realized that this was literally the only day I've ever been away from you in your entire life!!!
But I hear that you're having a fantastic time with the Dales and with Mareike - she gave me an update that you're eating like a champ and that you're being a good boy so far - so I'm not worried about ya. We'll be home on Sunday in the early afternoon, and the very first thing we'll do when we arrive is come over to get you!
I LOVE YOU BIG BOY, thanks for making me a proud mama!!!!
awwwwwww, see Bogie! They miss you so much they're not having any fun at all without you!
Wonder what's with that heap of bicycles?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Bogie, your folks miss you heaps and your mum is so proud of you cause your being such a good boy. Bet you can't wait until Sunday.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I had NO IDEA that this is the first time you and the mama have ever been apart. Being the sensitive dale you are, I'm happy to hear you're doing so well at Marieke's (who wouldn't enjoy themself in Aire Heaven?)
Your mama is really missing you, buddy, so be sure to give her lots of lovin' when you see her.
Goober love & smooches,
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