I got to play in the park today again with Sophie, one of the weiner dogs that I played with a week or so ago. She's so adorable! I'm much taller now than I was the last time we played (and as of today, I officially weigh 18 pounds) but it's still a lot of fun. We took a long walk in the park, there's always a lot to see when we do a long walk and lots of rolling in the grass (one of my very favorite things). I like to follow Sophie around because she's older than me, and knows all of the fun stuff.
Just at the end of the fun Sophie found a big pile of something stinky (I'll spare you all the gory details here, but you can imagine...) and had the brilliant idea to roll in it so she was covered in it! I watched her for a few moments, waited for my dad and Sophie's dad to get really excited (they seemed to be upset by this but I thought it was great) and then ran over and started to eat some.... dad didn't like this one bit, so I changed tactic and jumped on Sophie's back.
Now we were two very dirty dogs! Our dads brought us back to the house and brought out the hose... Sophie really hated being hosed down, and this was my first time ever. I can't say that I liked it but it wasn't that terrible if you try to make it into a game... which I did.... by biting dad and trying to bite the hose. When we came inside and mom saw two soaking wet doggies she asked what happened and we both shook the water off of us at the same time!
All I wanted to do at that point was sleep, and luckily mom and dad curled me up in my warm red blanket so they could go out. They were originally going to take me with them (they went to a party in West Hollywood) but because I was so good at looking tired they let me stay home. It's a little bit of a shame that I was so tired because I could have played with the doggie at the party named Sid - he was a Chihuahua and I haven't met any of those kind of dogs yet - but maybe next time.
It was a very full day.
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