Wow, I don't know how you people do it... this travelling thing.
Today I had to say goodbye to my 11 brothers and sisters, my mom and dad, and all the nice people who made me so happy for the first two months of my life. They put me into a big, plastic crate, stuck lots of papers and things on the outside of it, and brought me somewhere they kept calling the airport...
Roanoke Virginia airport, to be exact.
There was lots of crying, so I started to cry too. I had no idea what was going on, even though I could tell they were trying to explain it all to me. One of my sisters was also with us, she was going somewhere called Sacramento. I was crying and fussing a lot, hey, I'm only 8 weeks old (as of yesterday!) and I'm entitled.
The plane ride was really scary - riding down with the luggage isn't a dignified way for any animal to travel - but I did sleep a lot. Apparently I wasn't the only one sleeping, because the flight from Roanoke to Atlanta was delayed about an hour and a half (what's time when you're stuck in a crate?) and somehow we missed the next flight to Los Angeles.
I slept through most of this, luckily. Apparently my new mom was really upset and yelling at people in the Delta terminal... She was sitting there for a few hours waiting for me and making their lives miserable (go mom!!!) until they found me. I was just on the next plane from Atlanta but no one could tell her that, so she really went into action to make sure that they didn't forget about me. I was about 2 hours late.
But then I finally arrived in Los Angeles. The Delta guy handed me over to my new mom and I was so excited!!!!! She opened the crate door and put a gorgeous new collar on me - it's black and has little edelweiss flowers all over it, with a matching leash - I'm gonna be a stylish doggie!!! She let me pee outside (yeah!!! I'd been waiting hours to do that), then put me into a car harness and let me sleep on her lap while she drove us to our new home. It took a long time but I didn't care, I was nice and warm now, had a good pee, and some water and a bone.
We've arrived at my new home and there are already toys for me to play with!!! I have a big bed with a door, a handsome red blanket and pillow, and a ticking alarm clock that sounds just like my mom's heart beating.
And there are cats.... they're definitely not dogs. I've seen 4 cats around here so far, I'm not sure if there are any more. I'm too tired to play with them today, I guess I'll see if they want to play in the morning.
This first night mom wanted to sleep with me to make sure I wasn't scared - that was nice - so she slept on the living room floor with me all covered in my blanket. 2 of the cats came and slept with us too... they're nice and warm.
So I guess I'll see where the food is in the morning - right now I'm so tired and going to sleep.
The puppy.