Tuesday, March 17, 2015

At the vet... again

While I am not exactly a fan of the vet (yes, I am the dog who needs to be muzzled just for the vet to get a feel anywhere on my entire body because DON'T TOUCH ME DAMNIT) I have been spending a good amount of time (and mama's money) with the fine folks at the Penn Vet emergency room.

Some weird thing has happened twice now where I just kind of stop, sit, and stare. The last time the thought it might be neurological (checked out just fine), orthopedic (checked out just fine - but damn, do those orthopedic doctors give you a workout), and last night, they thought it might be food bloat. So I spent the night there watching them watch me. I got fluids and lots of attention, but ultimately also didn't get a diagnosis. It's very frustrating for mama who of course wants an answer as to what's going on, and who has a sneaky suspicion that these episodes may be caused by my errant "street eating" which she tries to thwart at every opportunity. I of course have the advantage in that my face is much closer to the ground and all of the yumminess and she's too damn tall and it's hard to bend that far that fast. To her credit she's gotten better at distracting me, but both of these "events" happened within a day of my snatching something probably extra disgusting, so with no better theory, that's what she's going with.

Anyone else have these kind of episodes? It has been pointed out to me (and not that delicately, by the way) that I am a tad overweight and could lose a couple (and we are now doing the mama-and-me-lets-eat-less-crap-on-a-daily-basis-and-go-on-longer-walks regimen), but otherwise all of my tests always come back big, honkin' healthy. Especially for a dog who had a big chunk of tumor, my spleen, and damnit my balls removed last year.

Slowly feeling better today after a kind of restless night (mama was thrilled at my every-30 minute request to go outside, but damn all of those fluids they gave me had to go somewhere!) and had a good walkie. That's a good sign for me.



Duke said...

I, Mitch, love to pick up stuff that I find on the road but I only want to carry it; not eat it unless it's something REALLY yummy! We hope you feel 100% soon, Bogie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Boggie, we hope you feel top notch soon! My Parental Unit remembers her previous dog doing that stopping and staring thing, but we think it was because he was quite old when he started doing it—he would just stand facing a wall and stare at it. Apparently it was a bit of senility. We're not suggesting you're that old, Boggie—just thought we'd mention it:-)

Kinley Westie said...

Hope you're feelin better soon.

Brinley Westie said...

Hope ya feels better soon... I hasta wear a harness so's Momma has better control of me on our walks. But da peoples 'round here are stingy wiff leavin' da eatables on our daily route...so's we don't encounter da opportunities dat you duz. Hopin' ya feel better soon...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bogart, we stop by to visit your blog at least every other week, to see if your Momma's posted a new pic or magical words. Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100%. I'm 10+ years old now and wheeze a little when I sleep, so my Momma worries, too. Many hugs to you and keep we Airedale lovers updated. Thank you for all the lovely years of this blog. Cheryl and Kirby

Unknown said...

hilarious moments, Perfect one. Adopt a dog