We are constantly expanding our horizons, seeing new parts of our newest adopted city. Today was overcast and rainy, but that's no reason not to have a nice, long walkie!
Mama thinks she'd like to visit the Fabric Workshop and Museum sometime. I'm not really interested.
This looks kind of cool...
Perhaps if it were made of jerky. Then I'd find it more interesting.
Aw, cute black kitty. Not sure what it is, but me likey.
New street, new butt shot.
We've wandered around here before, but that was pre-camera-time. Check out the cool public art - game pieces!
Check mate!
Very cool with the backdrop of City Hall. The contrast pleases me.
The famous LOVE Park fountain - a really great place to cool off even on a rainy day.
Even though it's rainy and overcast, that doesn't mean that it's not HUMID. Mama and I are still adjusting to the humidity thing. It definitely does tucker me out, and mama has to bring my thermos along for every walkie in case I get thirsty. Which I always do.
This is the Phillies Phanatic - and I'm just not sure about him. I've seen him all around town, wearing different clothes, and I'm just not sure.
Mama likes this building's facade. Very stylish.
This is the place that Mama really wants to go - the Mutter Museum - apparently they have lots of people-parts in jars with extra pieces, missing pieces, and other assorted jumbles. That's really up Mama's alley.
Sounds interesting to me... but apparently I'm not allowed inside. Oh well. She'll have to wait for another human to go with.