Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Dale-iest Catch

One of the many things that we miss around here about Klaus is his fantastic cooking skills. Not only was he good at it, he really loved it, and was always trying to figure out new vegetarian things to make for me. His pizza would have even pleased my Italian grandmother (and her pizza was legendary).

At a local Los Angeles supermarket, there was a wonderful woman who worked behind the deli counter. She actually made certain Russian specialty foods at home and sold them there several days a week. You had to be lucky to get there when she still had some, and she always recognized us and was so pleased that we loved her cooking. They were really incredible. I could never understand what they were correctly called, so Klaus and I came up with names ourselves. There were some that we called oil rags (fried dough stuffed with potato, sauerkraut, or meat) and some that we called boats. Klaus took making these kind of things as a challenge, and that man could make a mean boat.

Boats - for lack of a correct term - are pretty simple. Pizza dough, feta cheese with dill, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and a little olive oil. Tonight - on the eve of the new season of Deadliest Catch (Klaus and I used to watch this somewhat obsessively) - I will try to make boats.

Assemble the ingredients...

Get a little Airedale assistance (he is especially good at helping to sample the feta cheese to make sure it's just right)...

And voila - boats. To be fair, these are probably the ugliest boats ever made. But since I claim no cookery skills at all, I am pretty pleased. At least they taste right.

So it's time to settle in with our boats for the new season of Deadliest Catch...

Yes they are delicious, and yes we love to watch this show together.

Miss you Klaus... so much... but we're watching this together as a fuzzy and furry family just like we would when you were here with us.


Bogart & Lulu


Kelli said...

Hi Lulu & Bogie!
I think you did a great job with those boat things! I am happy to hear that you and Bogart are keeping with your family traditions. I'm sure that Klaus was watching with you!
:) Tibby

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

My mommy & daddy love that show too!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco The Princess & Lady Godiva

Faya said...

It looks like you are already better than I in a kitchen....
Miam miam....
Kisses, Véronique & Faya & Dyos

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Oh my...those boats look yummy!That show sounds very fun and exciting to watch! Too bad we don't have satellite tv here.


Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

you go girl!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oil rags! Funny.(pirogies in Russian) Your boats looked very tasty indeed. Boogie looks like he approved too. We would love to share some yummy Russian food with him!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We all know the real test of the food is the taste!


We are sure Klaus was watching right along with woo!


Abby said...

Hi, Bogart & Lulu...

I think your boats look delish...

I hope you enjoyed the show...

Abby xxxooo

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey we thought you said you were useless in the kitchen...blimey, they look pretty good to us. I bet you used the timer this time right?? Good stuff!

Noah xx

Martha said...

They looked yummy to us!! We are sure Klaus would be pleased to know you are following on in the same family tradition.
Cant wait to see what you cook next - we thought you were the original takeaway girl and dog!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx

Rambo said...

My G-Mom said to keep trying. The more you make the boats, the prettier they will get.
Rambo the chi
Pee ess.....she should know...she's a good cook!

Ms. ~K said...

Who cares how they look...it's the taste that matters most...

Everytime I see Bogie's fuzzy face, I just want to plant a big kiss on it!!!
Take care strong lady,

Duke said...

We think those boats look just delicious! We're so glad that you got to sample the feta cheese, Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mo said...

They look wonderful! I'm on my way over to help with any leftovers!

Trudi with Moni

Anonymous said...

Wow Bogart,

Russian pizza AND Deadliest Catch!

Can't get better than that!

Peace to you and your, Tessa

hkairedalespack said...

Those boats look really yummy to me! My Mommy is a lousy cook.
Hugs, Miley

Dawn said...

Tradition is important!

Lorenza said...

Those boats look delicious! Who cares about the shape??
Kisses and hugs

the TN Bull Terrors said...

Those sure look yummy! And what a good foodie tester Bogart is. Klaus is watching with you & over you, we're sure of it!

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella

The 3 G-Dales said...

Hi there Miss Lu-Lu ~

We Griffindales are so happy to see you made boats! Good job we say...our furry paws always get stuck in the dough when we make pizza on Friday's with the 2 legged kiddos. It's terrible to try and get it all out from between our toes!

But the kiddos have lots of fun wiff us and then we get to watch a movie together - ALL OF US - on the couch....yep that's us 3 dales and the 5 hoomans all on the couch. We just love that you guys do it too!

We are sending you big airekisses and hugs and give our pal Bogie a big nose poke or two, would ya? Smoochies~
Lola Dale


told u before, that Klaus will be proud of u...see....., u even successfuly made 'boat', u are doing alright, l m glad, keep it up Lulu keep it up, wat's your next dish???

blueadt said...

Good to see you cooking.

Oscar is VERY good at helping too. He's great at checking at all ingredients are fresh & won't give us food poisoning. Annie makes an excellent floor washer & spends ages cleaning the kitchen floor after we've cooked (not that we drop a lot but there might be a tiny scrap somewhere!)

Joe Stains said...

I think they look GREAT! Good job and enjoy your boats. I have never seen the tv show, but a few friends love it too.

Digsby Mac Feegle said...

MMmmm eating boats and watching boats catch crab that you can eat with boats! Its a circle of delicousness that is too big for me to handle!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Lulu and Bogie...we're so proud of ya...you two are foragin' ahead...we can only imagine how very hard it is...good job with the boats!!!!!

We're sure Klaus was watchin' that show with the two of you...

Love ya lots!!


The Black and Tans. said...

Ooooo yummy. Your boats looked utterly delicious.

Bogart were they shared equally between you and your Mummy?

Molly and Taffy

Nelly said...

Cheese you say? Yes those boats look great! I LURVE food!
Bogie, you look so happy watching that show.

Nelly xx