For both of us - ok, I can handle my trainer coming along, as long as she doesn't have any funny ideas about what I'm going to get to eat! I heard the words Rally Burger and I definitely want to partake of some burger-age!!!
So off we drove, the two of us in the back seat (not nearly as uncomfortable as I thought it might be, Heidi doesn't take up that much room in the back seat of my Bogie-Beetle and she lets me stand on her to poke my head out the window so all is well) to Rally Burger. As I've been there before I knew what to expect, but this was a new experience for Heidi.
We got there and dad took us over to a table in the shade. Ahhhhh. Mom ordered and brought over a yummy-smelling bag.
Both Heidi and I instantly went into good-dog mode. Sitting up straight, watching with anticipation, waiting for that yummy goodness to be placed somewhere that we could eat it.
Heidi wasn't so sure at first, but after I grabbed one of her buns (the hamburger buns, not her butt!) she got the idea.
Mmmmm.... Rally's!
Hi Bogart - nice to meet ya! Your the first woofie we met on a bloggie (though we have weener dog cousins)! We hope you come visit us!
Aw, you are really cute, Bogart! Thanks for the wishes on my surgery mending again!
Yikes - why are all those CATS commenting on your blog?
Those burgers look deeeelish! Too bad Heidi got the hang of it - you could have had hers too otherwise. She sure looks like she has evil eyes in the photo - bet that makes her an awesome trainer - if you're not working hard enough she can just give you the 'eye'. It would make me work harder, that's for sure!
Hey Bogart - thanks for visiting! We added you to our blogroll - you're our first woofie visitor!
I just LOVE the kitties... can't help it, I've been raised by 4 cats (well, they say they raised me I know better - they kicked my butt on a regular basis to get me to do their bidding)... but I LOVE 'EM!!!
Yummy!~ Those burgers look soooo good!! You wanna share next time?? hint...hint...hint....
I'd share my burger with all of my friends... come on over!!!
Hey Bogie.... how did Heidi's buns taste??
Your dreamgirl,
Miss Sunshade (I got muscle buns!!!)
Will you vote for my picture Bogie?
Your dreamgirl,
Miss Sunshade
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